Rekindling Affection in Your Marriage: 7 Steps to Reconnect

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Life can get busy, and before you know it, the affection in your marriage starts to fade. It’s easy to let the daily grind push your relationship to the back burner, but when that warmth and connection start to slip away, it’s time to take action. The good news? It’s absolutely possible to bring affection back into your marriage, even if it feels like a distant memory right now. But let’s be realistic—it won’t happen overnight. It will take time, patience, and a subtle determination to see the results you’re hoping for.

Tips for bringing affection back into a marriage

How to Bring Affection Back Into Your Marriage

1. Shift Your Mindset

Our daily lives are full of challenges, and it’s easy to slip into “survival mode,” where we’re just trying to get through the day. But affection requires a different mindset—one that’s softer, more open, and more in tune with your partner’s needs. Start by reminding yourself of the things you love or appreciate about your spouse. What’s that little quirk that always made you smile? What’s a moment you shared that still warms your heart? Focus on those positive feelings, and let them guide your actions.

Keep in mind that your partner might not immediately respond to these shifts, but over time, your efforts can create a more affectionate atmosphere.

2. Reintroduce Touch

Physical connection is a powerful way to rebuild affection. Start small—a touch on the arm as you pass by, a gentle kiss on the cheek, or holding hands while you’re out together. These little gestures might seem insignificant, but they can reignite that spark of closeness you’ve been missing. Remember, it’s not about grand romantic gestures; it’s about the simple, consistent ways you show you care.

Don’t get discouraged if your partner doesn’t immediately reciprocate—consistency is key, and over time, these gestures can break down barriers.

3. Make Time for Closeness

Beyond casual touches, prioritize moments where you can really be close to your partner. Snuggle up on the couch while watching TV, take a few minutes in the morning to sit together with your coffee, or just enjoy a quiet moment of connection before bed. This isn’t about forcing anything—it’s about enjoying the comfort of being together, no strings attached. And don’t forget about eye contact. Really look at your partner when you’re talking. It’s a small thing, but it makes a big difference in how connected you feel.

Again, be patient—your partner may take time to warm up to these changes.

4. Laugh Together

Laughter is one of the best ways to reconnect. It melts away tension, eases stress, and brings joy back into the relationship. Find something that makes you both laugh—a funny movie, a silly game, or even just sharing a lighthearted story from your day. Laughter can bridge the gap when words feel heavy, and it reminds you both that there’s still plenty of fun to be had together. If it feels like your partner isn’t joining in at first, don’t lose heart—keep bringing lightness and humor into your interactions, and eventually, the mood will start to shift.

Rekindling your friendship can be a great way to bring affection back in your marriage

5. Rediscover Your Friendship

Sometimes, we get so caught up in being “spouses” that we forget to be friends. Take a step back and think about your partner as your friend—someone you care about deeply, not just out of obligation, but because you genuinely like them. Listen to them with patience and kindness, show interest in their thoughts and feelings, and be there for them in a way that goes beyond romantic love.

Building this foundation of friendship can take time, especially if things have been strained, but stick with it. True friendship is built through consistent, caring actions.

6. Shake Up the Routine

Routine can dull the excitement in any relationship. If you’re stuck in a rut, it’s time to mix things up. Try doing something different together—whether it’s revisiting an old hobby you both loved or exploring something completely new. It doesn’t have to be a big, dramatic change; even small shifts can bring new energy into your relationship and remind you both that there’s still plenty to discover together.

Your partner might be hesitant at first, but with time and gentle persistence, you can both break free of the monotony.

7. Plan a Date Night

Remember those early days of your relationship when date night was something you looked forward to all week? It’s time to bring that back. Set a date, dress up, and treat it like the special occasion it is. Avoid talking about the stresses of daily life—focus on enjoying each other’s company. Flirt a little, laugh a lot, and remember why you fell in love in the first place.

If your partner isn’t immediately enthusiastic, don’t be discouraged. Keep planning these moments, and eventually, they’ll start looking forward to them too.

Final Thoughts

Rekindling affection in your marriage isn’t about waiting for your partner to change—it’s about taking control of your own actions and reactions. By shifting your mindset, reintroducing physical touch, and making time for real connection, you can create an environment where affection can flourish once again. It’s not always easy, and it won’t happen overnight, but with patience and resolve, you can start to see the affection return.

Remember, it’s the simple moments that often mean the most. So cherish those moments, take care of your own happiness, and bring that positive energy into your marriage. The journey back to affection is worth every step, even if it takes time to see the results.

How to get affection back in marriage


J. Ivy Boyter is a work-from-home (previously stay-at-home) mom of two beautiful children and married since 2009. Because she prioritizes her relationship with her husband, she's seen tremendous benefits in marriage and want to help couples achieve happiness in their relationships. When she's not busy with work and family, you might find her blogging here or at or out on a rally course or race track.

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