Why Divorce is the Answer if You’re Not Happy (even if you have kids)

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My husband and I have been talking about marriages.  Not in general, rather specifically about the legally binding ones.  The ones who “stay together for the kids.”  Sham marriages in which two parents raise children in the same household living their lives together (or separately) so as not to destroy the kids.

The more I hear about them, the more deeply I feel about them.

Some of the logic makes sense.  The financial burdens eased by continuing to live together as a family … dual incomes paying for a single house, not having to pay child support, and continuing health care plans already in existence.

The financial burdens that are eased by continuing to live together as a family … dual incomes paying for a single house, not having to pay child support, and continuing health care plans already in existence.

Logistically speaking, not having to shuttle kids back and forth between houses does sound appealing.  Maybe even a bit tempting.

I get it.

And I contemplate these things in conversation because I can’t live naively believing my marriage is immune to this potentially ultimate low point.  I try to take into account everyone’s feelings and apply what I hear to my life.  How would I react?  What damage is done to any party involved with my decisions, should I be faced with them.

I can’t help but feel, in the grand scheme of things, continuing in an obligatory marriage “for the kids” is truly not in the best interest of everyone.  So, I asked my husband to divorce me, should he ever feel unhappy in our marriage.  Though I truly hope I never have to call upon the strength and courage to accept this, I feel it would be best in the end.

Why I wouldn't choose staying together for the kids. | www.sahmplus.com

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I asked my husband to divorce me for the sake of the kids

Contrary to what I hear about the pseudo-marriages, I feel like divorce is better for the kids in the long run.

Of course, that could be questionable depending on whether or not a couple can agree to divorce agreements quietly and maturely.  And yes, summoning the strength to accept it instead of fight it may be difficult.  But, if you can come to mutual agreements to continue a synthetic marriage, why can’t you come to them in a divorce?

I asked my husband to divorce me because I want our children to see what a real marriage is.  At least, what a healthy marriage is.  Currently, our marriage is happy and healthy, from my perspective.  We show affection in front of the children, we take time away as a couple or to attend family gatherings together.  We allow each other space and freedom to enjoy our personal passions.  And, we fight and makeup, because marriage is constant work.

I want our children to see a marriage as a work in progress and something of value beyond the piece of paper and the kids that hold a couple together.

I don’t want them to think marriage is an obligatory union without feelings, compromise, and celebrations of anniversaries.

I never want our children to watch us suffering under the same roof if we believe our happiness lies elsewhere.  If we were to become, for all intents and purposes, roommates just to have two parents under the same roof, we’re not doing our children justice.  At least, that’s how I feel.

I don’t want our children witnessing us being miserable (or indifferent) together.  Rather, I want them to watch us living happily, even if that means we’re not together.

Secrets have a way of surfacing.  And secrets can hurt.  I know kids pick up on a lot more than we like to give them credit for.  And, while we may be able to carry on our separate lives secretly for a while, eventually secrets can get out.  When my husband suggested that these marriages may mutually agree to date others, I’d find it nearly impossible to believe we could be so forthcoming with the kids.  And, if we could, I’d be inclined to believe they’d be old enough to understand and process divorce anyway.  Personally, I’d rather answer the question “why did you divorce dad?” instead of “why were you dating someone else while you were married?”

Finally, I don’t want our children to feel as though they were barriers to our happiness.  I feel as though this suggests our children have more responsibility for our happiness than they should be given.  We are responsible for our own happiness and I wouldn’t want to suggest that we place our happiness in the hands of others.  The only responsibility and control my children should have over happiness are their own.

And it’s not just about the kids

If one of us feels compelled to believe the grass is greener on the other side, prove it to yourself.  So, I asked my husband to divorce me so that we could both move forward with the possibilities.  If he believes he’d be happier without me, cut ties and let us both move on.

In my opinion, it’s not a true test if we’re relying on each other to explain to our dates “this is a marriage of convenience” … because a stand-up person is likely going to question the validity of dating a married person.

Maybe it’s selfish of me to want the opportunity to find true love.  But, I see it as respecting ourselves enough to seek out strength and happiness in the face of adversity.

And, I don’t want to live a lie for “the sake of the children”, because, in my mind, they stand the greatest chances of confusion, which I simply don’t want to answer for.  So, if it ever comes to it, I won’t be staying together for the kids because I place greater value on marriage.

I would choose to separate for the kids if it meant they learned more about personal happiness and the value of a healthy and loving marriage.

But I hope I never have to face it.

In the mean-time, I’m joining in on the webinar Ten Ways to Divorce Proof Your Marriage.  I always feel it important to actively work on things and try to be mindful of my marriage.

I asked my husband to divorce me, but I really don't want him to. Here's why I think divorce is the answer when you're not happy.

Ivy B

I'm a work-from-home (previously stay-at-home) mom of two beautiful children and married since 2009. Because I prioritize my relationship with my husband, I've seen tremendous benefits in marriage and want to help couples achieve happiness in their relationships. When I'm not busy with work and family, you might find me blogging, out at a race track, or on a Rally course.

8 thoughts on “Why Divorce is the Answer if You’re Not Happy (even if you have kids)

  1. What an interesting perspective. I can totally see the compromise by staying together but I have also seen the damage done to children living in homes filled with tension. I have also witnessed couples that are on the brink of divorce pull it together and actually find a place of happiness again. I’m an eternal optimist and I would fight like crazy to keep my family together….but if in the end there was nothing to save. I agree with you.

    1. I absolutely think this is the last resort. I would never suggest not fighting for the person you love, but if it’s a one-sided struggle to reclaim the marriage or you both just don’t feel it anymore, I think this is the way. At least, that’s my opinion 😉 Thanks for stopping by and leaving a message 😀

  2. I agree with you 100%. Divorced mom of two here and the kids definitely knew when my ex and I were faking it. We held it together, essentially being roommates until we could both afford living separate lives, but the kids totally knew. My daughter told me it was a relief when we finally called it quits, she could stop waiting for the other shoe to drop…or whatever that phrase is.

    Plus, I am happily married now, and my kids have an amazing stepdad in their lives whom they adore. More love for everyone!

  3. My parents got divorced when I was in grammar school. One parent just gave up on trying to express what wasn’t working and trying to fix it. The other was willing to work but didn’t have the answers. I think marriage is work and constantly showing your partner it’s worth the work. I think divorce is far more common than it should be. People generally bring the same issues to new relationships. The difficulty is both people need to believe it’s worth it.

  4. I met my wife, when she was 15, married her when she was 18, were married just over 42 years,
    My wife and I fought like cats and dogs at times, MANY TIMES.
    Over many years even, and sometimes over the stupidest stuff.
    But we always worked things out, even though it took a lot of time, a lot of energy, and at times a lot of compromise.
    The more we worked at our marriage, the better it got.
    But we truly believed, in the UNTIL DEATH DO US PART, as the Bible says.
    So we kept at it, the longer together, the more Love we enjoyed.
    She loved me, her kids and Grands TO THE MOON AND BACK
    I still miss her to this day, and always will.
    No one will take her place in my heart.
    Your Dad
    Ernest Cantrell

    1. There’s value in both parties being committed the vows they took together. I, in no way, believe Divorce is always the answer, because we’ve been through our share of troubles and we’ve always worked them out thus far. However, if it’s ever a one-sided effort, I don’t want to fight for his love or attention. If one party stops trying and doesn’t see the value in putting in the effort, I wouldn’t think staying in a loveless marriage to be very fulfilling.
      To me, that’s the key … both sides have to be willing to put hard work into the marriage in order for it to be worth anything 😀

      I know you loved Mom and I appreciated seeing the years, sacrifices, and compromises it took to make it all work. <3

  5. In my case “marriage for the kids” didn’t work out. As we decided to file an amicable divorce, we started being friends with my ex, if it is possible to say so. Since we are parents, we decided to stay parents who respect each other rather than spouses who don’t. I can say for now that a divorce was a huge step forward for both my and my ex’s lives and each of us is happily married, at least better than we did when we were together.

  6. For now, I am totally agree with ur opinion about divorce. I think it’s ok if we take some distance and time for ourself and also for kids. Feeling save and peace at home are important things for us as human.

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